A New Angle
A New Angle
Melissa Sevigny on the Grand Canyon’s untold history

Melissa Sevigny on the Grand Canyon’s untold history

Melissa Sevigny is an award-winning science journalist at Arizona Public Radio and author of the amazing new book Brave the Wild River, which won the 2023 National Outdoor Book Award for History in Biography. In this episode, Justin and Melissa discuss how she came across the story of Lois Jotter and Elzada Clover, two women who made history by mapping the botany of the Grand Canyon during a 1938 expedition, the challenges they faced as women in science, and some of the current environmental challenges facing the Grand Canyon.

Transcript available here.

A New Angle
A New Angle
A New Angle is a current affairs Montana Public Radio program and podcast celebrating cool people doing awesome things in and around Montana. We live in the College of Business at the University of Montana.
New episodes drop every Thursday. Recent and upcoming guests include Academy Award-winning actor J.K. Simmons, US Senator Jon Tester, Montana Governor Greg Gianforte, Cheryl Strayed (best-selling author of Wild), NYT Columnist Maureen Dowd, and many others.